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A little warning though – what our emails DON’T include
*Boring, generic, same as everybody else travel insights (yawn)
*Recommendations on places we haven’t been ourselves.
*Proper grammar and perfect language skills.
- But they MAY include
*Some “colourful” language (actually they definitely will).
*Our pragmatic, no bullshit approach to travel.
*And hopefully some funny, useful info for your travel plans.
So be prepared to be entertained and sign up below
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Do you like -
*Travel and drinking wine?
*Weekend getaways and drinking wine?
*Travel in Europe and drinking lots of wine?
*Travel in Australia and drinking wine?
*Walking and exploring new cities and drinking wine?
*Retirement life and drinking wine?
*Learning Spanish y bebiendo vino?
Did you tick any of the above? – then you are a perfect fit for the BTW VIP mail list. Throw your details in the boxes below.
Want to know more about us then click here.
You can always read our blog here
See our pics and videos on instagram (cos if you didn’t take post pic, did you really go?)
Or listen to our podcast. Listen here.