It will be easy - just write a blog post!!
Write a travel blog they said. It will be easy they said, but what they didn’t tell me was how hard it was going to be to pick a name for my sparkly new website/blog!
I don’t want a boring name like “travel for the young at heart” or one that is too clever like Travel Time”. What I want is a name that represents who I am and what I love to do ….. like “Sav Blanc Nana” (lol) or “Sitting on the beach drinking rocket fuel Oh yeah” – ok, that last one is obviously not original and if you don’t know where it comes from – stop reading right now and google it – consider it essential education for being a reader of my blog.
I thought I had good name – No Jet Lag Nana …. But my daughter pointed out that when you put it together it looks a bit likes lasagne (nojetlagnana).
My five grandchildren - (so far) - what a lucky Nana I am!
I’m actually wondering if spending all this time looking for a name is just a real excuse for not actually doing real blog writing, but it is hard to write for an audience, if you haven’t defined yourself and who you are writing for!
Surely there are other nanas out there that love a sav blanc? A few other members of my family think that by putting nana in the name it makes me sound old. The thing is though, I absolutely love being a nana and love travelling and love wine …. That reminds me of a joke ……
A husband and wife are sitting on the lounge watching TV. She is having a nice glass of Sav Blanc (I added that bit lol).
She murmurs … “I love you”. The husband asks – is that you or the wine talking? She answers – “it’s me talking to the wine” hahahaha.
So back to my naming dilemma – and maybe bit of why I’m even contemplating writing a travel type blog.
My husband, Lyle enjoying the view from across the road from where we live.
My husband (Lyle) and I are at a stage of our lives (I’m not calling it retirement) where we have the time to spend travelling our country and the world. One of the effects of all our travelling will be that there will be no money left for the kids’ inheritance (sorry), so I thought I’d like to record how much fun we have had, and what amazing places we have been while ski (spending kids inheritance)– ing. Plus, when I’ve finally kicked the empty bucket, my kids, grandkids and great grandkids (hopefully) will see what a great life Nana had, and they will remember me with a smile on their faces – even if their pockets are empty.
So, with all that in mind – I’ve decided to stick to the basics – and call my new website/blog (insert drum roll here) Beach Travel Wine (or btw for short).
Beach – we live at the beach and go as often as we can and love it when family and friends come to visit.
Travel – when we are not at the beach we love to travel, sometimes on our own, and sometimes with family and friends.
My favourite wine - Shaw and Smith - I’m always happy when I find it on the wine list.
Wine – this is what we need after we have had family visit or travel with us …. Lol. (I hope none my kids are reading this 😊), but seriously, Lyle and I love a glass of nice wine, mostly white, but sometimes red along with some great food in great places.
So hopefully you will enjoy reading more about our travels at, or on Facebook at beachtravelwine or on Instagram @beachtravelwine.
You can email me at